
西南理论物理中心启动系列报告:Role of Ni-Nd Hybridization in Infinite-Layer Nickelates


题目:Role of Ni-Nd Hybridization in Infinite-Layer Nickelates

报告人:蒋密 教授 苏州大学




报告摘要:The newly discovered superconductivity in hole doped infinite-layer nickelates (IL-N) have attracted extensive investigation. Motivated by the recent X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) experiments, based on Ni impurity calculations, we explored the nature of the parent compound and hole doped states of IL-N by including the crystal field splitting, the Ni-3d8 multiplet structure, and the hybridization between Ni-3d orbitals and the Nd-5d orbitals that are formally replaced with a totally symmetric orbital Zs based band centered at the missing O in the Nd layer. For the parent compound, we showed that the spectrum of Ni-3d9Zs2 state spreads over a large energy range and cannot be represented by a single orbital energy, which is qualitatively consistent with the RIXS measurements showing a broad distribution of the Ni-3d9z2 hole state. For the hole-doped systems, we showed that adding these additional ingredients can still result in the lowest-energy hole-doped state having a singlet character.
